武汉夜网论坛,武汉品茶论坛,武汉约茶品茶工作室 约茶品茶工作室 As soon as Zhao Li’s words were exported, Song distance just opened his eyes slightly, and the light in his eyes was even more frightening than when the principal deliberately showed it.

As soon as Zhao Li’s words were exported, Song distance just opened his eyes slightly, and the light in his eyes was even more frightening than when the principal deliberately showed it.

"Don’t make such a fuss!" Of course, Zhao Li felt the change of Song’s distance and easily said, "I’m not a politician, I’m a soldier. I think we should agree on something."
"Zhao Li, I don’t want to influence your thoughts." Kang Hongyuan sat in the original Zhao Li seat and looked at the sofa. Two guys are emitting the same ShaQi. "But I hope you can think it over carefully."
"There are two retired former military commanders, one active military commander, four major generals, and sixteen major generals involved. There are almost a dozen senior officials at ministerial level in government departments. Once you move them, you will be under unprecedented pressure." Kang Hongyuan strongly disagreed with Zhao Li’s choice. "Although you have sufficient evidence, many ways to obtain it are illegal. These evidences will not be judged to be successful. Even if you act, you can find some scapegoats and the law will really shake those behind the scenes."
"I know," Zhao Li answered simply with his eyes closed and his head on the back of the sofa.
"Many people are involved, but even if the evidence is conclusive, they can’t be killed." Kang Hongyuan really thought at this time that "if you don’t kill a snake, you will suffer from poverty. Have you thought about the consequences?"
Zhao Li was lying on the sofa and didn’t say a word. Kang Hongyuan also knew that Zhao Li must listen and think seriously. He paused for Zhao Liyou to think before continuing.
"If these people’s strength and the forces behind them add up, it will be a frightening force. Not only you, but also General Lucas and General Thomas may not dare to bear such a heavy burden." Kang Hongyuan continued to encourage himself to say that Zhao Li "If these evidences can turn them into one of their own, it will be a more acceptable thing for anyone."
"Will the coerced person show enough loyalty?" Zhao Li still didn’t open his eyes, but he still debated with Kang Hongyuan.
Song distance from Zhao Li just said the decision and never spoke again. He also showed an excitement. Now he simply learns Zhao Li’s posture and expression with his head on the sofa and his back.
"Loyalty doesn’t last forever." Kang Hongyuan lost no time in educating Zhao Li. "It is unrealistic to have enough interests to pay the price that the other party wants, even if the commander of the military region can win over and buy you. If you expect coercion, you will have enough loyalty roots."
"Can I understand this?" Zhao Li was silent for a while and thought for a while, then slowly said, "I was in charge of the prison. They robbed me of all the prisoners and killed all my colleagues. Even I myself almost died. I also had to bear the suspicion of being sent to be assassinated from all sides, but I couldn’t bear the pressure. I will take this force to myself, and I will accept them generously, and I will draw them in with appropriate interests at the right time."
"It’s not that you don’t understand these things. It’s just that you don’t want to." Kang Hongyuan heard a little reluctance from Zhao Li’s tone. After all, it is difficult for anyone who has experienced Zhao Li’s ordeal to have an imbalance in his heart, but it is extremely childish to put a qualified politician. The serious point is that he can’t be a man regardless of the overall situation.
"It’s my fault." Zhao Li himself admitted the fact that Jin Wuxing was taught these things by Kang Hongyuan when he was in prison a few years ago. His understanding is not bad, but he has been reluctant to make that choice.
"Take a step back and say that all they did was against me. Taking me out of prison was a chance for me to turn over forever." Kang Hongyuan continued to confuse Zhao Li to change his mind. "I don’t want to pursue you too much. This is a fish in the pond. Shouldn’t it be so extreme?"
This is a euphemism, although it is hard to accept, but all this is true. Zhao Li is not an idiot, Song Li is not an idiot, and naturally it is clear.
"Odbo, tell me about it!" Zhao Li’s body didn’t move. He just kept his posture. He touched his elbow and let him express his opinion.
"I am a soldier who carries out orders, and I don’t want to say much." Song never added any pressure to Zhao Li at this time and discouraged him. He threw all the problems back to Zhao Lishen and clearly asked Zhao Li to decide that he would carry them out just like carrying out orders.
But Song Li woke up. Zhao Li got up from the sofa. Zhao Li sat up straight and thought about it. Song Li asked, "How many of these old Song participants are purely following orders?" The operational departments are all soldiers. If they don’t know what to do at all, it is a bit too much to say that they are plotting to rob the prison.
"At least 90% of the people who joined the army carried out orders." It seems that Song Li had long thought that when Zhao Li asked him, there was nothing to think about. He answered directly. He was a soldier, and even when the prison was robbed, he thought that the professional quality shown by those who robbed the prison in that robbery would never be an ordinary terrorist organization, but definitely a real soldier.
What’s even sadder is that these people probably don’t know what they are going to do at all, or they have received an order to forcibly break through the hostages taken in the rescue of the prison controlled by the terrorist division, and these terrorist divisions are also very cunning, and all of them are disguised as prison guards and so on
After all, not everyone can know the information of that high-grade prison, even the name and location of the prison can’t be found in the ordinary information. It is more likely that the place in the military intelligence inquiry system should be a desert with nothing. Who can say for sure?
Strictly speaking, the real purpose of this time is at most those high-ranking military officials who plan politicians to collude with each other. When they give orders, no matter whether warships are dispatched or units cover up these traces, they are faithful to their orders.
Song Li woke up and Zhao Li woke up at the same time. Kang Hongyuan "said that there are a few people who are really behind the scenes, and you don’t need to target everyone."
This seems to be an acceptable reason for Zhao Li, but he still disagrees in some aspects. "Those specific actors, I mean those who directly participate in the attack, may have insiders."
"But we judge by law" Kang Hongyuan shook his head. He really didn’t want Zhao Li to do too much to offend many people. This is not only a pressure on Zhao Li but also on Kang Hongyuan. The two of them are now in the same boat, and no one can run away.
"Many of these suspects have an anonymous head with a huge sum of money that is ridiculously high relative to their income, and many of them retired at the same time." Zhao Lizao was prepared. Although these anonymous heads directly lead to evidence entering the court, Zhao Li should know that it is these people. He is a direct witness. This is more effective than any evidence.
"These people can’t let go!" If you don’t offend a powerful group, Kang Hongyuan will try his best to calm Zhao Li’s anger.
Song Cong doesn’t have much to say. He has already said that the survey has also been reported. In combination with this information, Zhao Li asked Song Cong to come up with a more specific list. Zhao Li even took out Ban Yunchan to find those materials for him.
After all, Zhao Lixian is the director of the special investigation department. He calls or detains some suspects in the name of limited investigation. Even if they have retired, they can escape in the same way. But the problem now is that there are still more than a dozen big shots in politics. These people don’t seem to be so active.
Kang Hongyuan is good at handling this kind of thing. He intends that these people can accept him. There is conclusive evidence that several of their leaders planned the prison robbery. Their situation is already very passive. At this time, Kang Hongyuan can easily accept them.
The combined energy of these people is even more impressive than those in the army. In Shao Kang Hongyuan’s eyes, it is far less cost-effective to eliminate these people than to turn enemies into friends.
However, Zhao Li doesn’t think so. Although Kang Hongyuan keeps instilling in Zhao Li the unity of political opposites, Zhao Li will never move. Zhao Li seems that even political opponents can grasp each other’s shortcomings, attack each other’s illegal acts and even attack each other’s inappropriate performance in some public places, but it is no longer a pure political struggle until they want to move this illegal means.
The difficulty is that Zhao Li’s hands can’t extend from the military to politics no matter how long. Political affairs still need criminal treatment. If Zhao Li insists on dealing with these people, he must go through this procedure.
"If you take a criminal case, these people are likely to be completely removed." Kang Hongyuan is too clear about the twists and turns, and it is precisely because he is too clear that it is even more difficult to really deal with these people. It is by no means simple for Zhao Li to throw out evidence. "A lot of evidence here is obtained illegally. Once the court refuses to accept it, all charges will be rejected due to insufficient evidence."
"I understand!" Zhao Li nodded and paid special attention to Kang Hongyuan’s warning.
Song distance didn’t keep Zhao Li waiting for a long time, and soon a list of survey results combining Song distance and Ban Yunchan was sent to Zhao Li.
This list excludes most of the things that have been handled, and some junior officers and soldiers across several military regions. Except for a few senior officers, Zhao Li suspects that a group of guys who retired almost at the same time, while the political list is still listed. Whether these people will enter the list needs Kang Hongyuan to decide.
"Lao Kang, were your previous performances too gentle?" Zhao Li is very dissatisfied with Kang Hongyuan’s operation on the political list. "If you have always been tough, I believe that few people will dare to risk offending you to frame you like this."

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